Apr 21, 2007

Someday, The Light Will Be Out And Nobody Will Be Home!

We had a great first PP Silent Pr
ayer Siege with 32 young people and adults standing on the wall at PP Mansfield Ave., Burlington.
We had gained favor by meeting with the po
lice b4 hand to tell them what we are doing. The charge Sargent had pre-phoned Planned ParentHOOD to let them know, so they wouldn't be surprised. Turns out we still surprised them. They thought we would be standing across the street and the manager who spoke with me was a little flustered! The District Director of PP called and asked the charge police officer if we were willing to cross the road and stand on the other side as others have agreed to, and do. We said ...Absolutely Not! It's our legal right!

We realized that we had crossed over the line ...and that we had broken the covenant and agreement with Death (concerning the silence and defensive posturing of) The Church in our region.

A woman was touched with God's love. When she pulled her car over and questioned me out of her hurt. She was asking why we couldn't be doing something more socially constructive. A soft word of God's love turned away wrath. Before she drove away she had welled up with a touch from God and asked for our web-site. We pray for her and her children to find peace and healing through Jesus' love.
There were others... one lady just sat in her car for about 10 minutes after exiting the clinic. One of our teen intercessors had seen b4 hand to pray for a young woman and a young woman with her mom. She knew who they were when she saw them walk up! Other testimonies were shared and some youth are deeply touched to intercess on behalf of some they saw.

It had been raining all morning and b4 we got on location it had stopped and after an hour of Siege the sun shone on us for about 10 minutes. This was a warm kiss from Daddy-God.

We were able to take communion close by and a woman who once had an abortion repent
ed and prayed for healing on behalf of those women who are hurting. We also had a prayer of repentance on behalf of men and pornography and their contribution to abortions.

We were sobered and saddened in hearing the news from Virginia Tech. two days later! We realized that the enemy plays for keeps and his retaliation is real and also we are standing between this culture of death and the innocent!
The number 32
was the number of total intercessors who attended our siege. This had also been confirmed in our night b-4 prayer meeting although I didn't realize it then. One of our intercessors was doing a prophetic act. She had drawn out a delineation of 32 rectangles, horizontally in a straight line on the carpet (representing what I thought was figuring out the # of people who could possibly stand on the sidewalk). Then she crossed it like a cross and connected the sides to the bottom (making a V with a T coming out of it like a cross planted in the center). She mentioned at the debriefing that she had counted them again that morning and there were 32 boxes. (and actually 33 lines!)

After hearing the tragic news on the TV... Someone also pointed out to me that Virginia Tech's initials are VT. This is too eerie to be coincidence. We believe this is significant!

When the enemy comes in like a flood. God will raise up a standard against him!

Come forth youth army in Vermont and
New England and across the U.S.!

God heal the young people on that campus and God heal the heart of America!

Thank God for the Supreme Court victory!!!!!!!
This was long awaited echo of all the
hard work of the Family of God and other pro-life friends. I say lets ask for two more Supreme Court Justices!
Read Chad Taylor's recent article .

Interestingly on our 1st. siege day, there were 1420 Vermont coordinated global warming rallies across the country with about 10,000 people reportedly participating.
One woman locally said, "What we are essentially talking about today is the continuation of life: human life and all life."

The rallies organizer ...McKibben predicted the clamor rising from across the country would prove effective because of the diversity of voices. "You feel its power coming from all sorts of places."

At Burlington's rally, nearly 300 people gathered and listened to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT. Mentioning his introduced bill to cut emissions by 80%, he said, "Twenty or 30 years ago people would have said that's a Utopian dream, but now we know how to do that. Thirty or 4o years from now, when the people look back on this period," Sanders said, they're going to say, 'Thank you young people, and thank you Vermont for leading the way.' "

I couldn't help but to draw the parallel and hear him prophesying about the ending of abortion!

We have seen the Physician Assisted Suicide bill miraculously defeated this session and it cannot be reintroduced next session either! We are going to begin to take our stand and continue with Silent Prayer Sieges at PP, and I have a dream to cleanse the land where there have been (homicide) murders. I would like to see one Silent Prayer Siege at our Capital with governmental intercession per month started. We have a good core of youth... Many are excited and were greatly moved by the Holy Spirit, because of the 1st. siege.

I believe it is time for the youth movement to begin in Vermont! Praise God!!!!

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Blessings & grace ~Glenn

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