Apr 19, 2007

ACLJ Applauds Supreme Court Decision Outlawing Partial-Birth Abortion - "Monumental Victory" For Life

Together, we have worked long and hard in the fight for human life.
And today, we celebrate a monumental victory in the abortion debate.

I know you will want to take just a few moments to view this video report I prepared for you from Washington, D.C., where the Justices of the Supreme Court took a determined stand for life.

This is a significant victory ... won with the tenacity and grit of pro-life Americans.

The highest court of our land has given credence to our argument - made in trial courts, the courts of appeals, and ultimately the Supreme Court: the government has a compelling interest in protecting the life of the unborn.

In their decision, the Court recognized the inherent right of the government to use its ''voice and its regulatory authority to show its profound respect for the life within the woman.''

''The Act's stated purposes are protecting innocent human life from a brutal and inhumane procedure and protecting the medical community's ethics and reputation.''
-Justice Kennedy
I am proud to celebrate this triumph in the fight for human life with faithful members of the ACLJ. Not only have you demonstrated your support in our efforts to eradicate this horrendous procedure from our national landscape, but you have also fought with us in the battle to appoint and confirm conservative, God-fearing, life-honoring Justices to the benches of the court system. Today's victory speaks volumes to the incredible impact of our vigilance.

I encourage you to watch my special video report and read my newly updated trial notebook entry and the ACLJ's press release on this critically important decision handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States. I've also highlighted significant quotes from today's decision.

I thank God for this victory. And I thank God for members like you ... who have made it possible for us to fight for LIFE in the highest court of our land.

“This is a monumental victory for the preservation of human life,” said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ, which litigates pro-life issues. “By rejecting the lawsuits challenging the national ban, the high court demonstrated that this gruesome procedure has no place in the medical community. We’re delighted and encouraged that a majority of the high court determined that it was time to bring an end to what only can be described as infanticide. This decision represents an important shift in the ongoing battle to protect human life and represents a very significant pro-life victory in the abortion debate.”

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