Jul 28, 2005

It's Coming Again For The Children

by Lou Engle
This past week has brought us to a pivotal and momentous point in our journey—the nomination of John Roberts to the bench of the United States Supreme Court. For the five days prior to the nomination, an anointing of joy and praise descended on our little band of intercessors. The only thing that I could make of it was that God had won a great victory in the heavens over the Court. Our faith was stirred.
Two weeks prior to this explosion of faith and joy, a young woman, only 17 years old, received a dream in which we were told that John Roberts had taken the seat vacated by Sandra Day O’Connor. However, the young woman’s response to the appointment was subdued, almost as if we had settled for less than what we wanted or expected. But at the same time, we were not discouraged. We believe that in this dream, God showed beforehand the man that he had chosen to one of his young friends. "Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). We also believe that he showed what the response of the Church would be—restrained joy and celebration, but uncertainty, particularly on the issue of abortion.
Then, to our amazement, my friend, Chris Berglund, who has been a prophet to me for 20 years called me with a dream that he received the night of the appointment. He had been praying concerning John Roberts and dreamt the following: He was with some young children, three and four year olds, and in the darkness of the night a 1988 Cadillac drove toward him with its headlights on. Then suddenly, the headlights were turned off and a voice spoke, "It is coming again to kill the children!" Upon waking up from the dream, strangely his thoughts turned to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was expected to be a conservative but ultimately became the swing vote in Casey v. Planned Parenthood. His decision, stealthily made in the last minutes of deliberation of that case, swung the Court and upheld Roe v. Wade. He was also the swing Justice who wrote the majority opinion in Lawrence v. Texas which prohibited the states from enacting laws restricting homosexual behavior.
My friend was then stirred to research the year that Anthony Kennedy was made a Supreme Court Justice. There it was—1988!!
We believe the dream that the young lady had was given by God to prepare the Church to pray for John Roberts. We believe that the dream Chris Berglund received was sent by God to give us specific guidance in how to pray and intercept the plans of the enemy.
Could it be that these dreams were exposing the schemes of the enemy? Could it be that the same spirit that came in 1988 with the appointment of Justice Kennedy is seeking to reassert itself into the present moment and hijack the purposes of God for John Roberts and this nation?
The dream must be judged, but I believe that the prayer battle is only just beginning. When Kennedy, as a conservative, stepped onto the Court, he entered an atmosphere of demonization and came under the influence of a spirit of death and deception. There was not enough contending prayer over that spirit that ruled over the Court at that time. The Church has been great at criticizing the Court, but it has not won the battle in prayer and fasting for the prevailing influence of the kingdom over the hearts and minds of the justices. But now, God is raising a standard. Government and judicial intercession is beginning to erupt into the consciousness of the Church.
At this point, it is my belief that John Roberts is God’s man, but we cannot settle for temporary or partial victories. We must gain the prevailing influence over this man in the heavenlies. The voice of 50 million babies and counting is crying for justice and vindication. Their voice must be heard by the praying Church. We must stretch out continually the rod of Christ’s authority and declare, "You Spirit of Death and Deception, in Jesus’ name you will not prevail over this Court or John Roberts. You will not come in here."
We are entering a season which calls for sustained prayer with intensity and focus. Two more seats may yet still open up in the US Supreme Court. Do not strike the arrow only three times. I beg the Church of America, for the sake of the children, the unborn, the sancitity of marriage, the recovery of the law of God, and the very future course of this nation, strike, strike and strike again for the complete victory over the Courts of America.
Do not let a celebration over the appointment of John Roberts detract you from the fierce battle that is now thrust upon us. This man left to himself could probably succumb to the same forces that captured Kennedy in 1988. The headlines in a newspaper declared that Roberts is known for his judicial acumen, but not his ideology. A man with skill and knowledge of his craft without deep ideological convictions will not stand in the raging torrents of spiritual and political pressure. May our God send light and truth into Roberts’ soul. May dreams of warning and correction block his path. May God send watcher angels to direct and guard over his course. And may He send a spirit of justice and strength for those who turn the battle back at the gate.

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Lou Engle has pastored since 1984, interceding for revival for more than 25 years. His heart soars to awaken the youth to a life of prayer and fasting for a spiritual outpouring in America and other nations. On September 2, 2000 Lou spearheaded The Call, a massive gathering of 450,000 youth on the Mall in Washington DC. Out of The Call he was lead to raise up an army of Nazirites. This group of young people, four years later, found themselves back in Washington, DC starting a 24/7 Justice House of Prayer. Lou and his wife Therese have five sons and two daughters.

Jul 19, 2005

Dress Shoes or Cowboy Boots?

by Lou Engle
With the resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor from her seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, I believe that we are one step closer to seeing Roe v. Wade overturned and the unholy ritual of abortion ended in America. Sandra Day O'Connor, though appointed by President Ronald Reagan, who was pro-life, was not a pro-life Supreme Court Justice. She systematically upheld and re-affirmed Roe v. Wade in virtually every case that proceeded after that landmark case and was thus, instrumentally involved in prolonging the machinery of death through abortion. For this reason, I believe that Sandra Day O'Connor was one of the most menacing people in America.
At the same time, I do not ultimately point the finger at Sandra Day O'Connor or any other person for the babies that have died as a consequence of Roe v. Wade. Instead, I strongly believe that the Church failed to gain air supremacy, i.e. the prevailing spiritual influence, over the Supreme Court through fasting and intercession. Because we were negligent in this area, babies have been methodically and steadily slain, the sanctity of marriage weakened, and the law of God removed from our public square.
However, there is still much hope and optimism in my heart. God still loves America and has shown His gracious and merciful compassion to us. I believe that the Lord has given us a two to three year window of opportunity to see a shift in this nation on this issue of abortion in America and to ultimately see revival return to our country. But the urgency of history demands that we act now to seize victory in the high places.
Prophetic Dreams Concerning Sandra Day O'Connor
Two years ago, on Fourth of July, I was prophetically led to decree Psalm 2 over the Supreme Court justices: Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, o judges of the earth... On that very same day, Sandra Day O'Connor was in Philadelphia to dedicate the then-new Constitution Museum. As she pulled ribbons to reveal a massive mural hanging above the stage, a heavy metal beam that was part of the framework of the mural came crashing down above her head. Only stopping inches above her head, O'Connor exclaimed that the fallen beam could have killed her.
I felt that the Lord was saying that because most of the Supreme Court justices were not grounded in truth, they were morally lightweight and unable to bear the framework of the Constitution as articulated by our Founding Fathers. I knew that the Lord was shouting that He was ready to deal with the renegade courts and the issue of abortion.
Last year, on Fourth of July weekend, having been gripped with what had happened only one year earlier, a few of my friends and I made the journey to that place where O'Connor had her near-eternity experience. I was pregnant with the God-thought of renewing covenant with God on behalf of America and decreeing a shift over the Supreme Court. That weekend, my prophet friend, Chris Berglund, had a dream. In the dream, he and I were rushing to get to a basketball court. Once we burst through the doors onto the basketball court, we apologized to the person of authority over the basketball court for being late. The person responded, You always have access to my court. Then, we noticed that there were nine chairs in the middle of the court, but that two of the seats were unoccupied. Chris and I were then invited by the person of authority to possess those two open seats and officiate over the court. We felt that the dream was declaring that two seats were opening and that the Church must sit in authority and claim righteous justices for those seats. Could God have been saying to us all along that two seats were going to be vacated?
Then, just last week, before this Fourth of July weekend, a friend of mine had a dream in which Sandra Day O'Connor was in the house that our Justice House of Prayer activists now reside. In the dream, she approached my friend and said, I am coming to help you guys at the Cause. Who would have guessed that on this Fourth of July weekend, Sandra Day O'Connor would resign? Could this have been the way that she was helping us? Her resignation could certainly be a great help to our Cause. I believe that the Lord has opened the door to us to have access to at least one of those seats right now and we must possess that seat with fasting and prayer.
Before O'Connor's resignation, there had not been a change in the Court for the past eleven years, the second longest period in its history without a change in its membership. This opportunity that has blown open before us does not come around often. O'Connor's resignation has created a power vacuum that either the Church or groups like Planned Parenthood and ACLU will fill. One way or another, for better or for worse, that vacuum will be filled.
Finally, last night, one of the leaders of the Justice House of Prayer had a dream where President Bush was in his room and had two pairs of shoes in front of him. One pair was dress shoes and the other was a pair of cowboy boots. In the dream, the President was going somewhere and was asking us which pair of shoes he should wear. We answered, the cowboy boots, the cowboy boots. We believe that this dream is saying that the houses of prayer must live this man up day and night in intercession so that he can be the man that God has called him to be. We are calling on God to grip this man with the moment of time in which he now lives. He must move beyond the realm of politics to the man he is at his very core. We are calling on God to hold President Bush to account and cause him to stand on his settled faith convictions and nominate a pro-life Supreme Court justice.
President Bush is expected to make his decision of who will replace Sandra Day O'Connor within the next few weeks and as early as next week. Several news sources have reported that President Bush is considering several nominees to replace O'Connor that are not actively pro-life. We cannot allow this to happen. If we fail to gain air supremacy over the Courts and the Bush administration now, then I am fearful for the future of America. We must move beyond crisis-moment intercession and prevail in prayer and fasting for tomorrow's victory today.
As I write this, my company of intercessors has been standing in front of the Supreme Court praying for the future of the Court and the soul of America. Standing next to them is the National Organization of Women (NOW) and Planned Parenthood, their zealous and vulgar chanting and signs only demonstrating how high the stakes are in this battle for justice in America and for the unborn. Let it not be said in future generations that the Church of America remained silent and was found weak when they were given the opportunity to turn back the enemy at the gates of our courts.
On July 4, 1776, our forefathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to sign the Declaration of Independence and mobilized an army to fight against tyranny and injustice. John Quincy Adams once said, Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. I believe that President Bush understood this when he declared that. The sacrifice of our forefathers has become the commitment of our times. Again, just like our forefathers had done over two hundred years ago, today we fight to preserve those liberties passed down to us by our forefathers and throughout the generations. America must live and not die!
We are calling for believers all across America, and especially those on the East Coast, to come rush to this battle, not only in prayer and fasting, but in holy activism. We are sounding out the alarm to come join the prayer activists of the Justice House of Prayer and bound4LIFE.com to stand watch in front of the Supreme Court. We urge you to not miss this opportunity to stand in the gap for this nation. The next few weeks are critical. Come to DC and engage in this battle. This day, we fight!

Jul 15, 2005


Dear Vigilant Prayer Warriors:
This Call to Prayer from Dutch Sheets is from the heart of God for our nation at this hour in history. Read Daniel 7. Let's get the Court of Heaven seated over our nation. Let's then decree that our Supreme Court will reflect the mind of God in days ahead. Chuck D. PiercePresident, Glory of Zion International, Inc.Vice President, Global Harvest MinistriesP. O. Box 1601Denton, TX 76202


At the time of writing this, I am on my way to pray in Washington, D.C. I have not had as strong of a stirring in my heart since the elections of 2000.America now faces the most important decision that she will see for many years - maybe of our lifetime. The future of America, your children, your grandchildren, the cause of Christ around the world - all of it is at stake. This is bigger than the elections of 2000 or 2004, over which millions of Christians around the world fasted, prayed, and warred spiritually. Perhaps that isn't entirely true, because this is what that war was all about.If this decision goes the wrong way, everything accomplished in those elections is meaningless! I am speaking of the decision concerning who the next Supreme Court Justice will be. I believe, in fact, there will be more than one replaced this year.
The Downward SpiralIf you think that I am exaggerating, consider this: 60 years ago the downward spiral began with the Court manufacturing the "separation of church and state" ideology - one that had not existed for 200 years; 40 years ago, prayer and Bible reading was taken from our schools - again, after 200 years of it being acceptable, even encouraged; and 30 years ago the legalized murder of babies was decreed. After 60 years of anti-God philosophy, indescribable devastation to generations of youth and almost 50 million aborted babies later, we are still trying to reverse the downward spiral.Still think that I'm exaggerating? If we lose this opportunity, we may not see it again for decades, if ever. You should be praying about this more faithfully and fervently than anything you've prayed about in many years.Where are we in this process?
Though it cannot be proven, I am convinced that if President Bush made the decision today, it would be the wrong one. As I have prayed, I have become convinced that he is coming under pressure from within the White House to compromise by choosing a moderate; someone who is not a strong constitutionalist and who is not strong enough for the cause of life - in essence, another O'Connor.I am not alone in this. Many individuals working in D.C. and several of my trusted prophetic friends feel the same way. The feeling becomes even stronger if another Justice retires. President Bush could then appoint a strong conservative along the lines of a Scalia or Thomas, and a moderate as O'Connor (like his friend Gonzales), hoping to thereby satisfy both sides. This, however, would do nothing to shift the Court - and must not happen! It is, however, what I believe the President is being pressured to do.And where is the Church in all of this?
Strangely silent and frighteningly inactive. It is a thousand times easier to motivate Christians to pray and let their voices be heard in a presidential race than for a Supreme Court nomination. This is not true with those who oppose us, however. They understand that the way to maintain control of America is to maintain control of the Court, and they are working feverishly to do so.I am convinced that our only hope in the battle for the soul of America is prayer. Carl Rove didn't put President Bush in office, God did. And He put him there largely for this situation. If we, the Body of Christ, do not arise now with a massive prayer movement and turn the tide of this battle, I believe we will lament it for the rest of our lives. Church, we have come too far and worked too hard - and more importantly, too much is at stake to lose this spiritual war now. Make radical choices to fast and pray:
Pray for President Bush: for wisdom, strength and boldness. Pray against any deception or compromise. Pray that any counsel not consistent with God's Will, would not be received. Pray that he clearly hears only God's Will - even if God has to speak sovereignly through dreams or other methods.
Pray for the Senate that they confirm the right choice. Pray against filibustering of God's chosen person. Pray that there will be no compromise among conservatives.
Pray for the appointee(s): I believe God has groomed and shaped the perfect person(s) for the Court. Pray that she or he is found, appointed, and confirmed. Pray that they have strength and wisdom for the battle.
Pray the Word: Isaiah 1:26; Psalms 2; Psalms 24; Isaiah 9:6-7 and others God will show you.
Churches: Please do not conduct business as usual. Pray in your services - and not just one or two minute prayers before messages or offerings. Pray! Take 15-20 minutes, give up sermon times, and give even entire church services to prayer. Jesus called His house "a house of prayer."
Individuals: Participate in all of the above. Send this email to every Christian you know, especially those in leadership.
Ministries: Ditto to #5. Especially sound the alarm. Use your correspondence lists, radio programs, T.V. programs, etc., to stir people to pray.
If you would like more help in promoting prayer, we have further prayer insights on this situation, general prayer information, and even a video/DVD/CD prepared especially for this cause. Thirty minute and 80 minute versions are available at a very low cost. Use this message for your personal help in praying, play it for prayer groups and congregations, or take the information and share it yourself. It is packed with critical information and facts.
Have numerous prayer meetings throughout the week - mornings, evenings, and lunch hours. Use this to stir up the prayer ministry of your congregation. Teach and preach on it. Encourage those able and willing to fast. My congregation is doing all of the above. Take a team to Washington, D.C., to pray. These should be teams of intercessors praying outside the White House, Supreme Court, and Capitol every day. Sow finances into ministries or organizations on the front lines of this battle.Praying church, arise! We can win this battle for the control of the number one entry point of moral and spiritual decay in America over the last 50 years. But it will only happen if we pray!Dutch Sheets