Jul 15, 2005


Dear Vigilant Prayer Warriors:
This Call to Prayer from Dutch Sheets is from the heart of God for our nation at this hour in history. Read Daniel 7. Let's get the Court of Heaven seated over our nation. Let's then decree that our Supreme Court will reflect the mind of God in days ahead. Chuck D. PiercePresident, Glory of Zion International, Inc.Vice President, Global Harvest MinistriesP. O. Box 1601Denton, TX 76202


At the time of writing this, I am on my way to pray in Washington, D.C. I have not had as strong of a stirring in my heart since the elections of 2000.America now faces the most important decision that she will see for many years - maybe of our lifetime. The future of America, your children, your grandchildren, the cause of Christ around the world - all of it is at stake. This is bigger than the elections of 2000 or 2004, over which millions of Christians around the world fasted, prayed, and warred spiritually. Perhaps that isn't entirely true, because this is what that war was all about.If this decision goes the wrong way, everything accomplished in those elections is meaningless! I am speaking of the decision concerning who the next Supreme Court Justice will be. I believe, in fact, there will be more than one replaced this year.
The Downward SpiralIf you think that I am exaggerating, consider this: 60 years ago the downward spiral began with the Court manufacturing the "separation of church and state" ideology - one that had not existed for 200 years; 40 years ago, prayer and Bible reading was taken from our schools - again, after 200 years of it being acceptable, even encouraged; and 30 years ago the legalized murder of babies was decreed. After 60 years of anti-God philosophy, indescribable devastation to generations of youth and almost 50 million aborted babies later, we are still trying to reverse the downward spiral.Still think that I'm exaggerating? If we lose this opportunity, we may not see it again for decades, if ever. You should be praying about this more faithfully and fervently than anything you've prayed about in many years.Where are we in this process?
Though it cannot be proven, I am convinced that if President Bush made the decision today, it would be the wrong one. As I have prayed, I have become convinced that he is coming under pressure from within the White House to compromise by choosing a moderate; someone who is not a strong constitutionalist and who is not strong enough for the cause of life - in essence, another O'Connor.I am not alone in this. Many individuals working in D.C. and several of my trusted prophetic friends feel the same way. The feeling becomes even stronger if another Justice retires. President Bush could then appoint a strong conservative along the lines of a Scalia or Thomas, and a moderate as O'Connor (like his friend Gonzales), hoping to thereby satisfy both sides. This, however, would do nothing to shift the Court - and must not happen! It is, however, what I believe the President is being pressured to do.And where is the Church in all of this?
Strangely silent and frighteningly inactive. It is a thousand times easier to motivate Christians to pray and let their voices be heard in a presidential race than for a Supreme Court nomination. This is not true with those who oppose us, however. They understand that the way to maintain control of America is to maintain control of the Court, and they are working feverishly to do so.I am convinced that our only hope in the battle for the soul of America is prayer. Carl Rove didn't put President Bush in office, God did. And He put him there largely for this situation. If we, the Body of Christ, do not arise now with a massive prayer movement and turn the tide of this battle, I believe we will lament it for the rest of our lives. Church, we have come too far and worked too hard - and more importantly, too much is at stake to lose this spiritual war now. Make radical choices to fast and pray:
Pray for President Bush: for wisdom, strength and boldness. Pray against any deception or compromise. Pray that any counsel not consistent with God's Will, would not be received. Pray that he clearly hears only God's Will - even if God has to speak sovereignly through dreams or other methods.
Pray for the Senate that they confirm the right choice. Pray against filibustering of God's chosen person. Pray that there will be no compromise among conservatives.
Pray for the appointee(s): I believe God has groomed and shaped the perfect person(s) for the Court. Pray that she or he is found, appointed, and confirmed. Pray that they have strength and wisdom for the battle.
Pray the Word: Isaiah 1:26; Psalms 2; Psalms 24; Isaiah 9:6-7 and others God will show you.
Churches: Please do not conduct business as usual. Pray in your services - and not just one or two minute prayers before messages or offerings. Pray! Take 15-20 minutes, give up sermon times, and give even entire church services to prayer. Jesus called His house "a house of prayer."
Individuals: Participate in all of the above. Send this email to every Christian you know, especially those in leadership.
Ministries: Ditto to #5. Especially sound the alarm. Use your correspondence lists, radio programs, T.V. programs, etc., to stir people to pray.
If you would like more help in promoting prayer, we have further prayer insights on this situation, general prayer information, and even a video/DVD/CD prepared especially for this cause. Thirty minute and 80 minute versions are available at a very low cost. Use this message for your personal help in praying, play it for prayer groups and congregations, or take the information and share it yourself. It is packed with critical information and facts.
Have numerous prayer meetings throughout the week - mornings, evenings, and lunch hours. Use this to stir up the prayer ministry of your congregation. Teach and preach on it. Encourage those able and willing to fast. My congregation is doing all of the above. Take a team to Washington, D.C., to pray. These should be teams of intercessors praying outside the White House, Supreme Court, and Capitol every day. Sow finances into ministries or organizations on the front lines of this battle.Praying church, arise! We can win this battle for the control of the number one entry point of moral and spiritual decay in America over the last 50 years. But it will only happen if we pray!Dutch Sheets

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