Mar 16, 2007

A Harbinger of Things to Come

There is a widespread media-censored description of Plan B which uses sanitized language such as "EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION" and "LOWER THE RISK OF PREGNANCY" instead of "DESTROY THE LIFE OF THE FETUS OR DESTROY THE EGG IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE PREGNANCY"! This kind of media bias has also been blindly repeated in a conservative magazine.

Our prayer is that the truth would be known that these pills are not contraception at all... but abortion in pill form...and the U.S. Government will stop using taxpayer money to fund Abortion providers!~ Glenn

Today's Roll Call reports that the Democratic leaders in the House are seeking to extend taxpayer-funded travel to same-sex partners of homosexual congressmen and staff. This is in direct conflict with the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. Bills have already been introduced that would allow for homosexuality in the military and expanded federal prosecution of "thought crimes." To make matters worse, the majority Democrats have added a provision to the Iraq War funding bill that would use taxpayer money to subsidize Planned Parenthood's purchases of the morning after pill and RU-486. While many Democrats talk publicly about defunding our troops in Iraq, they hide provisions in the troop funding bill that would use taxpayer dollars for abortion clinics and unrelated earmarks! In contrast, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) helped to change a whistleblower protection bill last night to include language that protects religious freedom in the workplace, proving what principled leadership can do. The latest liberal efforts have been reprehensible, but, unfortunately, they may be just a sign of things to come.

Additional Resources: Domestic Partner Perks Weighed

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