Mar 21, 2007


TIP NEWS 3-21-07 -- "KILL BILL" D.O.A. IN VT HOUSE !!!

Supporters and opponents alike were stunned by today's vote on the Physician Assisted Suicide bill (H.44) in the Vermont House.

After hours of debate, a roll call vote resulted in 63 votes in favor of the bill and 82 votes against. This means that the bill is dead for this session (2007-2008). In all likelihood, the advocates for assisted suicide will be looking for another state in which to advance their cause.

This is a stupendous victory for the Pro-Life/Pro-Family movement in Vermont.

A month ago, the common wisdom was that H.44 would pass handily and the only option to prevent it was having 50 opposing votes to sustain a veto from Gov. Jim Douglas.

As we went into the voting this afternoon, we knew we had 70+ votes on our side (there are 150 votes in the House, 75 votes win). As the floor debate proceeded and the roll was called, we sensed undecided votes starting to come our way. When the dust settled, we realized that we had beaten back this assault by Culture of Death advocates.

Thank you for your prayers and support.
Craig Bensen

Article thanks to TIP NEWS: to go to the TIP websight

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