Sep 6, 2005


Come Join Us in Jackson, MS
September 11-16, 2005.
We believe our nation is to be called into prayer in this hour. With Hurricane Katrina just hitting and 6 abortion clinics now under water in New Orleans, we believe God is wanting a Culture of Life in our nation! We are calling for our nation to join Bound4LifeKC in Jackson, MS on 9/11/05 to rally to pray for a Culture of Life and an end to the spirit of death in that city and in our nation. There is only one abortion clinic in Mississippi and that's in Jackson, MS.

After the 9/11/05 rally we want to invite our nation to come to Jackson, MS to do a Silent Prayer Siege with the Life Tape September 12-16 from 12pm-5pm each day. This could be a God moment in our nation. Our goal is to see 5000 in Jackson including the refugees and evacuees to pray against this spirit of death in our nation. Find a place to sleep (tents) and a way to get food/water and bring red tape and PRAY. If we end abortion in one state in our nation, we could seriously be starting to shift our nation into a Culture of Life.
Click Here for Information for night meetings.

New Orleans Mayor says today 9/4/05, "We have had a spirit death in New Orleans the past 7 days and we want it out." Let's help New Orleans get the death spirit out of our nation.

Testimony from Jackson: In a small trip to Jackson to do a few radio and TV broadcasts with one of our teams we did a few services in some refugee camps in a church. A lady came up to one of our team members and said that she lived in New Orleans and right before the Hurricane she had a drug addiction. She told God she would get out of the addiction if He cleansed her from it. Then the hurricane hit and ever since she's been clean from the drugs. She said, "If I can do it, anyone can do it." God is truly cleansing New Orleans and our land.

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