Sep 29, 2005 - Politics - Roberts Sworn In as Chief Justice

Continue The Battle At The Gates
by Glenn Taylor
We have seen the hand of God move as the hearts of those who opposed the nomination of Judge John Roberts were swayed to vote in favor of his appointment (the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water he turns it...). I believe this is a direct result of the intercessions of the Saints and not by political lobbying (although, don't stop lobbying- We need both!) In Vermont both our Senators voted Yes for this appointment! Before the hearings Sen. Leahy was one of the vocal opponents of this nomination! Why not call or write a thank you to Senator Patrick Leahy and Senator Jim Jeffords! Please continue to pray for Pres. Bush to make "God's Choice" for this next nomination. Pray that He is resolved on a pro life appointment, and that he is not swayed by other councel! We also must continue to pray that God strengthen this nominee and prepare him or her for the hearing process. I don't believe this process will go as easy(?) as the last hearings. Those who are opposed know they have a lot to lose and will be relentless in their attack! We must pray for the protection of Chief Justice Roberts mind and heart and for wisdom in leadership and that all of the supreme court justices will be under Angelic covering and that Demonic influences would not cloud righteous judgement. The battle is in the heavenlys and the church holds the keys to the destiny of this nation! Lets not back off! WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN AN OPEN DOOR, LETS NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO "STAND IN THE GAP"... AND BE HISTORY MAKERS! LETS REMEMBER OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN'S FUTURE!

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