Sep 6, 2005

For Such A Time As This
By Glenn Taylor

"There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or evil occur in the vacuum created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become...the hinge of history... that pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing. "
- Lou Engle

There is a fresh stirring in the land. It is as if God is raising up a generation of young people who have a desire to see the enemies of justice and righteousness pushed back at the gates of our nation. These are those who will possess the gates of our enemies. They are not satisfied with the "slackness of our Christian culture in a decadent society." They want to become as "athletes of the Spirit, enduring the necessary disciplines and self-sacrifice to become Champions"..."The bearers of tomorrow"..."those who carry the future on their shoulders"-Walter Wink.
Today there are counter cultural dreamers who have a prophetic call like David to slay the giants of our day! Like when David and his armor bearer climbed the Philistine garrison and slew the enemy! They were the forerunners who stirred up all Israel to come out of their caves of hiding and into the frey to push back the enemy out of their land! We as Christians have all but withdrawn from our involvement in our society. We as the church are not called to be as a thermometer blending in to the current settings of society, but to be as those who set the temperature and influence society in a righteous way!
But now, like the Philistines said..."The Israelites (CHRISTians) are coming out of their caves." Is there not a cause?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said four decades ago, "All it takes is a God-intoxicated people, one generation, to alter the course of history from then on."

If there ever was a time when your prayers and actions can make a difference in our nation, I believe it is NOW! We have the ability to see the ending of abortion and to restore a Culture of Life back into our society! Bound4LIFE will be joining together across America in a grassroots movement to pray, vote life, and practice acts of God's justice and compassion in helping to see the healing of our Nation! It's not too late for America! Together we can be the History Makers who pay the price and become the hinge that closes the door on this Holocaust which has ended the lives of 50,000,000 unborn Americans since 1973. Your prayers can make the difference!
As Dr. Seuss' Horton found out, the whole world can be saved by the smallest of all! Every voice does count!

There is a 22 word prayer that is currently being prayed by over 85,000 people across America! The significance of this prayer is its length and that in 1962 there was a 22 word prayer taken out of our public schools by the U.S. Supreme Court. You can pray this new prayer that was written to reverse the Haman decree of '73 (Roe v Wade) which legalized abortion in America!

"Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America."

31 days before the 2004 elections Lou Engle and a band of young people were led to the U.S. Supreme Court. They put tape over their mouths with the word Life written on it. They soon realized the prophetic significance of it being 31 years since Roe v. Wade. They believed that the Lord was leading them to lay a silent Siege against the Supreme Court (Ezek. 4) for the ending of abortion in America. The LIFE-tape has now been made into LIFE-bands (like the Livestrong bands) and are available through BOUND4LIFE. Seeing the band reminds you to pray the prayer! Many are praying this five or more times a day.
Eventually there will be thousands of us joining together at the Statehouse, Courthouses and Abortion Centers across Vermont! The Red LIFE-tape on our mouths will be identifying with the Silent screams of those who cannot speak for themselves! Our appeal to the Highest Court of Heaven will be identifying with the sins of our nation and pleading for mercy with a better blood than the blood of our guilt. We will also be breaking the Church's silence in becoming the prophetic voice that God has called us to be in a society filled with decadence.
The Church will become freed from the shame of our past and communion will cleanse the Land all across America. Could this prayer movement usher in the revival we have been praying for? We will see the end of the government sanctioned "Great American Holocaust!" The future prophets and leaders of our churches and nation, (our children and grandchildren) are in the balance... the enemy wants to destroy them! Is there not a cause? If we do our part, we can see the things in God's heart manifested and justice will flow like a river and righteousness will spring forth! We must claim God promises that "He will restore our judges as at the first!"
Rosa Parks was one person who changed history in the 60's. Her action of remaining seated on that bus began to end the injustice towards our black brothers and sisters. Her voice and actions helped launch a whole Civil Rights Movement. Your voice and actions can end an injustice too! It is believed that the second abortion case of 1973 will be reheard in the Supreme Court in the next 1 to 1-1/2 years. Will we stand with Sandra Cano when this case is heard?
If you would like to be a part in the formation of this ministry. We could use your help in getting the word out and distributing LIFE-bands throughout our region! We want to raise up teams to participate and become History Makers in this hour! We will be having prayer and training sessions soon. Please join with us in praying about a BOUND4LIFE event in VT in the near future. Please contact me and let me know how you can help, if you request LIFE-bands, or if you would like someone to share at your church or small group.

Please contact Glenn Taylor by E-mail at

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