Dec 11, 2006

Here is a great Series for a Biblical Understanding of the Spiritual Roots of Abortion. I Listened to the MP3 and I can highly recommend this Material!!! ~Glenn Taylor

Fueling the 2006 South Dakota abortion ban were two messages by Pastor Steve Hickey of Church at the Gate in Sioux Falls. Though originally intended only for his congregation, thousands of copies began to circulate the state, laying a Biblical foundation regarding the spiritual dynamics behind abortion. Pastors statewide heard these messages and preached them in their pulpits.

Part One is titled "The Fires of Molech in America" and focuses on the demonic forces behind abortion.

Roe v Wade isn't just a bad law—abortion is demonically energized—an ancient evil spirit is feverishly devouring the next generation.

Part Two is titled "Their Blood Cries Out. " Both the Old and New Testaments are clear in how the shedding of innocent blood brings bloodguilt on all those in the circle of culpability. This is an eye opener to us in the church who've thought we aren't complicit in any way.

Most people think Jeremiah 1 and Psalm 139 are the only passages that directly relate to abortion. However, Pastor Steve tackles a whole category of Bible passages few are talking about today.

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