Could this be a picture of The Call?
Theodor Seuss Geisel, Horton Hears A Who
Compliments of mlockett
Here is a great Series for a Biblical Understanding of the Spiritual Roots of Abortion. I Listened to the MP3 and I can highly recommend this Material!!! ~Glenn Taylor
Fueling the 2006 South Dakota abortion ban were two messages by Pastor Steve Hickey of Church at the Gate in Sioux Falls. Though originally intended only for his congregation, thousands of copies began to circulate the state, laying a Biblical foundation regarding the spiritual dynamics behind abortion. Pastors statewide heard these messages and preached them in their pulpits.Part One is titled "The Fires of Molech in America" and focuses on the demonic forces behind abortion. Roe v Wade isn't just a bad law—abortion is demonically energized—an ancient evil spirit is feverishly devouring the next generation. Part Two is titled "Their Blood Cries Out. " Both the Old and New Testaments are clear in how the shedding of innocent blood brings bloodguilt on all those in the circle of culpability. This is an eye opener to us in the church who've thought we aren't complicit in any way.Most people think Jeremiah 1 and Psalm 139 are the only passages that directly relate to abortion. However, Pastor Steve tackles a whole category of Bible passages few are talking about today.
Here is a follow-up report of last weeks vote in the House:Although Fetal Pain Awareness Act Voted Down in House — U.S.Rep. Smith Says: Majority of House Votes Show "Overwhelming" Concern for Pain Suffered by Unborn Children during Abortion
by Patrick Creamer/AH : Dec 7, 2006 : Standard Newswirehttp://www.standardnewswire.com/news/24309372.html
"The majority we gained today is proof-positive that we can pass this legislation despite the unwillingness of some extreme pro-abortion members of Congress. I remain determined to find an avenue to pass this legislation in the near future."
Following today's vote in the House of Representatives, U.S. Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey, said the majority vote the legislation received shows that there is "overwhelming" concern for the pain children suffer during an abortion.
"Today, we can no longer deny, trivialize, or gloss over the significant and ever expanding body of knowledge that shows that an unborn child suffers real pain — excruciating pain — when he or she is dismembered as in a D & E abortion, or jabbed with scissors in a partial birth abortion, or poisoned by an abortionist," Smith said during debate on the House floor this morning.
Smith's legislation garnered a majority, but the "Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act" — H.R. 6099, was just shy of 'super-majority' necessary to pass under suspension of the rules.
During the debate, Smith pointed out that the partial-birth abortion ban trials have drawn new attention to the pain that unborn children feel during an abortion. In expert testimony during those trials, Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand, director of the Pain Neurobiology Lab at the Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute explained, "the human fetus possesses the ability to experience pain from 20 weeks of gestation, if not earlier, and the pain perceived by a fetus is possibly more intense than that perceived by term newborns or older children."
Smith criticized the opposition for their use of junk science during the House debate this morning. "The debate [yesterday] exposed a 2005 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that denied the pain unborn babies feel during an abortion because it was authored by pro-abortionists who did not reveal their biases or affiliations. JAMA should be ashamed of itself for publishing a slick pro- abortion propaganda piece. One author, Eleanor Drey, runs the largest abortion clinic in San Francisco, which performs an estimated 600 late-term abortions annually, including abortions by dismemberment. None of that was disclosed when the JAMA article was published," Smith said.
Smith noted that the support shows that a majority of members of the House of Representatives are extremely concerned about the pain unborn babies feel during the act of abortion.
"This vote shows that there is indeed an overwhelming concern for the suffering of the unborn during an abortion. The unfortunate thing is there are still those in the House who are simply not concerned about the pain unborn children feel nor do they see the importance in relaying this critical information to women," Smith, the bill's author, said after the vote.
Smith said he fully intends to continue to push this legislation, which requires that women considering an abortion are informed of the intense pain their baby would feel during an abortion and offer her the option to reduce the pain inflicted on the unborn baby through anesthesia, in the 110th Congress.
"The majority we gained today is proof-positive that we can pass this legislation despite the unwillingness of some extreme pro-abortion members of Congress. I remain determined to find an avenue to pass this legislation in the near future," said Smith.
An Interview with Pro-Life Sen. Sam Brownback on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and How It's Opening Doors for Discussing the Value of Human Lifeby Steve Elliott/AH : Nov 30, 2006 : Grassfire.orghttp://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C0yPrTPs/
"America is a majority pro-life country...we weren't getting there on the 'hail Mary pass,' but we are getting there on the partial birth abortion [issue] and...the stem cell debate, which gives us a chance to talk about the nature of human life-removed from the discussion of a 'woman's right to choose.'" — Sen. Sam Brownback
Steve Elliott, President of Grassfire.org Alliance, interviewed Kansas' Sen. Sam Brownback on several subjects, including the partial birth abortion ban, and the direction of the pro-life community.
To listen to this interview, follow the link below.
Senator Brownback Interview
"Between weeks 20 and 30, [of gestation] an unborn baby has more pain receptors, per square inch, than at any other time before or after birth, with only a thin layer of skin for protection." Douglas Johnson/AH (Dec 1st, 2006)
National Right to Life reminds all those concerned for the lives of unborn babies that the U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act beginning either Tues. Dec. 5th, or Wed. Dec. 6th.
To view an informative, and scientific fact sheet on fetal pain, CLICK HERE.
For more information on the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, follow the link below.
Source: Christian Newswire~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here are some more links with more info: PLEASE CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY TO VOTE YES FOR the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act~GLENN T
Contact: Douglas Johnson, National Right to Life Committee Federal Legislation Department, 202-626-8820
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- This is an update from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), issued Friday, December 1, 2006, at 12:30 PM EST. For further information on this issue, contact the NRLC Federal Legislation Department at 202-626-8820 or Legfederal@aol.com.
A recent statement by the National Abortion Federation, urging House members to oppose the legislation, here. The National Abortion Federation is an association of abortionists.
A 2005 statement by NARAL stating that the organization "does not intend to oppose" the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, here.
An NRLC factsheet summarizing the science on fetal pain, here (PDF file).
An NRLC memo rebutting an article on fetal pain published by JAMA in August 2005, here. The JAMA article, often cited by opponents of the bill, claimed that available research suggests that the human fetus does not experience pain until about 29 weeks. As the NRLC memo and the linked documents demonstrate, the JAMA paper has been contradicted by some highly credentialed authorities in the field, and is inconsistent with longstanding observations and treatment of newborns who survive long-term after being born as early as 23 weeks. Moreover, the lead author of the JAMA article, a medical student, was previously an attorney for NARAL, and one of the other authors is a longtime activist who runs the largest abortion clinic in San Francisco, performs hundreds of late abortions every year, and has been a leading critic of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. According to an article by the medical writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, who brought these associations to the attention of the JAMA editor after JAMA published the paper, "JAMA editor-in-chief Catherine D. DeAngelis said she was unaware of this, and acknowledged it might create an appearance of bias that could hurt the journal's credibility. 'This is the first I've heard about it,' she said. 'We ask them to reveal any conflict of interest. I would have published' the disclosure if it had been made.")
For further information on this issue, contact the NRLC Federal Legislation Department at 202-626-8820 or Legfederal@aol.com, or visit the NRLC website section devoted to documentation regarding the pain of unborn children, here.
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