Feb 26, 2009



40 days for Life started yesterday Feb. 25th.... Wouldn't it be great if bound4LIFE warriors were there to pray on each of the 40 days!

We can pray on either side of the street at Planned Parenthood, 23 Mansfield Ave! Our Catholic friends have been holding the line there by the Firehouse as much as they can & some of them come & pray when they have only a few minutes even. Some of you might want to do some form of fast for breakthrough during this time! I will be there everyday for even a half hour if possible. You can go alone or bring a few friends or schedule a group! Call me or text me if you need some tape & we can make some arrangements!

I will be there tomorrow (Sat. 2/27/09)
t 8:am till 8:45 am if anyone wants to join me! I am working a shift schedule at work ... so I will hopefully Twitter the time I will be there the day b4. You can follow my twitters on your cell text! This will post as my Facebook page status as well as to the Bound4LIFE VT in the top right corner of the blog.

Blessings & lets pray to see the adoption option become affordable & that abortions truly become rare & abolished, as mindsets are changed!~Glenn


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