Heroic efforts of pro-lifers have turned the dream of an abortion-free state into reality.
(Sioux Falls, SD)—On Monday, July 21, eight women arrived at the Planned Parenthood office in Sioux Falls abortions but were instead met with locked doors and a hand-written note indicating the only abortion clinic in South Dakota was closed.This law was the brain-child of attorney Harold Cassidy and passed with the help of determined pro- life leaders Dr. Alan and Leslee Unruh, who pushed for the regulation in the face of opposition even from those in the pro-life movement. The Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cleared the way for the law's enactment last week.
It remains unclear if the Planned Parenthood office has permanently ceased the practice of abortion. However, several women who were scheduled for abortions this week went to a pro-life center instead where some have reportedly changed their minds about having abortions.
"The closing of this clinic is historic in that South Dakota is, for the time being, the first abortion-free state," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "It didn't take the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and it didn't take a new President or a new Supreme Court. It took the courageous determination of pro-life heroes like Mr. Cassidy and the Unruhs who saw an opportunity to save lives and pressed on until their dream became victory."
"We applaud their efforts and encourage other states to emulate their campaign," said Newman.
The Unruhs are currently involved in the Vote Yes For Life Campaign, which would effectively ban abortions in South Dakota, putting the finishing nail in the coffin of the abortion industry there.
For the text of the new law and links to the court decision can be found here.
Article thanks to Breaking Christian News!
Executive Director of Bound4Life Intl.
Two of our intercessors from the local chapter in Sioux Falls were in front of Planned Parenthood early to pray that morning. There was no one else there except the two of them. At about 8:15 AM the first abortion appointment arrived, but the front door remained locked. There was a note on the door that read "We will be closing at 3:00 pm on Monday, July 21, 2008."
The young lady then walked out to the sidewalk and asked our chapter leader when the clinic would be open. There was an emotional conversation as our chapter leader pleaded with the young woman to not have an abortion. Five appointments came and went during their Silent Siege, and all of them were forced to leave since the clinic never opened that day... regardless of the fact that there were two employee cars in the parking lot.
I wanted to give you all a rundown of the facts so you can better process what is being reported in the media. Some are reporting that the doctors are protesting the law... that is speculation. Some are reporting that the lawyers are holding things up while they seek a way to sidestep the law. That too is a speculation; albeit a likely one. Some are calling South Dakota "abortion free." That's a wildly inaccurate statement at this point.
My point is this: when everyone is busy doing other things, our job is to continue praying. I thank God that when things were cooking Monday morning, a small team of intercessors (only 2!) was there to pray. In fact, none of the current media coverage would have existed had not two Bound4LIFEers been on-site praying. Nobody else was there. It can be very damaging in the grand scheme of things if the reports of an "abortion free" state cause us to stop praying long enough for a premature victory lap. Now is NOT the time to stop praying. Now is the time to press in. Be encouraged by what is transpiring, but do not let it take you off the line. HOLD THIS LINE AT ALL COSTS! The goal of a siege is to cut off the lines of supply and cause the city to fall. In this case, it could be that the supply line of doctors is being cut off. Pray that that's true.
Thankful and determined,
Matt Lockett
Executive Director
Bound4LIFE Intl.
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