Feb 14, 2008

Fetal Pain, a Sensitive Subject for the New York Times

Article compliments of Tony Perkins /W: frcaction.org

In an extensive article yesterday, the New York Times went into great depth on the topic of fetal pain and what it means to the abortion debate. "The First Ache" by Annie Murphy Paul highlighted what has become a meaningful argument for persuading women to reconsider their abortions. The mere fact that the Times acknowledged that fetal pain occurs is a significant step forward. We applaud Paul for treating the subject with the impartiality and dignity it warrants. Americans deserve to know the truth about the humanity of the unborn child, and this article goes a long way toward starting a meaningful dialogue about how the nation can ensure that more women have the facts they need to make informed decisions.

Additional Resources
The First Ache [NY Times]

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