We highly recommend this book! It is a great NEW children's storybook... You will be especially touched by the story of how the book was authored ... go to the link below to find out the story behind the book!
By: Darlene and Danielle Wibeto
Illustrated By: Sarah Atkinson
'Justice Loves Babies' is a tender story about young boy's love for his unborn sister. The book centers around the excitement and expectancy the whole family and Justice in particular feels.
His father is a doctor and will help deliver the
new baby, Destiny. One night Justice has a nightmare about a doctor trying to steal his sister before she is born.
His mother comforts him but gently tells him, "Destiny is alive in my belly and she will soon be alive on earth. But not all babies get the chance to live like Destiny does. I love you Justice. Never stop praying for the babies. Pray that they will get the chance to live not just in their mothers' bellies, but on earth."
About The Book & Authors