Dec 6, 2005

Finnish Study Shows Women's Suicide Rates Highest after an Abortion

by Amy Sobie / Aimee Herd reporting

Dec 1, 2005 : Elliot Institute, CWS

Editor's Note: While suicide, of course, is never good news, this report reveals the truth of the horrible toll that abortion takes, not only in the death of a baby, but also in the inevitable grief and guilt that can also destroy the life of the mother. It is in an effort to reveal this truth that we choose to publish this story. - Aimee Herd, BCN.

Finland's National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health (STAKES), is the author of a study published in the European Journal for Public Health, which states that "deaths from suicide, accidents and homicide are 248% higher in the year following an abortion," among women of reproductive age 15 - 49 when compared to those who have not been pregnant in the year prior.

The 13-year study also found that a "majority of the extra deaths among women who had abortions were due to suicide. The suicide rate among women who had abortions was six times higher than that of women who had given birth in the prior year and double that of women who had miscarriages."

The report went on to state that "while the risk of death from suicide, accidents, and homicide was highest among women who had abortions within the prior year, the risk of death was lowest among women who gave birth within the prior year, who had less than half the death rate of women who had not been pregnant."

Along with that study, another was conducted over an 8-year period, on the death records linked to medical payments for birth and abortion for 173,000 women in California. Researchers found women who had an abortion were 62 percent more likely to die than those who had delivered babies.

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