Oct 16, 2005

Norma McCorvey, "Roe" of Roe V. Wade, now Pro-Life Will Challenge Her Former Attorney

Christine Melchor / Aimee Herd reporting (Oct 14, 2005)

"I did not know what an abortion was!"

According to Christine Melchor, Executive Director of the Houston Coalition for Life, Norma McCorvey, the now Pro-Life "Roe" of Roe v. Wade, will give her testimony and will publicly challenge her former lawyer, Sarah Weddington to address her unanswered questions regarding the landmark case. This challenge will be issued during a press conference at 6:30 PM on Saturday, October 15, 2005 on the public property outside of the Hilton Post Oak (formerly the Doubletree) 2001 S. Post Oak Blvd in the Galleria during the Planned Parenthood Annual Fundraiser at which Weddington is the keynote speaker.

Norma McCorvey said, "In 1972, Sarah Weddington argued in the courts, presumptuously on my behalf, that women should be allowed to obtain a legal abortion. The courts did not ask whether I knew what I was asking for. The abortion decision that destroyed every state law protecting the rights of women and their unborn babies was based on a fundamental misrepresentation. I had never read the affidavit and I did not know what an abortion was. Weddington and the other supporters of abortion used me and my circumstance to urge the courts to legalize abortion without any meaningful trial which addressed the humanity of the baby, and what abortion would do to women… My real interests were not their concern."

McCorvey added, "As the class action plaintiff in the most controversial U.S. Supreme Court case of the twentieth century, I only met with the attorneys twice. Once over pizza and beer, when I was told that my baby was only 'tissue.' The other time at Coffee's office to sign the affidavit. No other personal contacts. I was never invited into court. I never testified…. The entire case was an abstraction."

Christine Melchor, Executive Director of the Houston Coalition for Life, stated, "I urge any woman considering abortion to be skeptical of whether the abortion industry is really looking out for her best interests. Norma McCorvey knows from her experience being used by supporters of abortion and through working in the industry herself that these people continue to exploit women to further their financial and personal agendas."

Melchor will also challenge Planned Parenthood's CEO, Peter Durkin, to address unanswered questions regarding the true agenda of Planned Parenthood, deceptive information promoted by his organization, and startling facts that it has covered up.
Over one hundred concerned citizens from all over will be participating in a protest on the public right-of-way in front of the fundraiser and awaiting a response to their long-standing concerns.

The Houston Coalition for Life is a 501 (c )3 organization which represents Houston Area churches and thousands of individuals dedicated to ending abortion ….peacefully and prayerfully.

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