Feb 10, 2008

French Court: Parents Can Register Names for Fetuses

John Jalsevac - Staff - LifeSiteNews (Feb 9, 2008)
Source: Staff - LifeSiteNews

"The ruling is triggering a storm over the issue of abortion in France, with pro-abortion activists arguing that the ruling gives pro-life activists a strongly emotional argument for the humanity of the child, by indicating that a fetus at any stage has a right to a name....

preborn Baby(Paris, France)—France's supreme court has ruled that parents of miscarried or stillborn children can register a name for the child, no matter what stage of development the child was at the time of miscarriage or birth, reports the AFP.

Previous to this most recent ruling, parents in France were allowed to register a name for miscarried or stillborn children, but only after 22 weeks gestation, or if the child weighed over 1.1 pounds.

This new ruling gives parents the right to claim the body of their child, which, until this point, was incinerated by the hospital along with other waste tissues. It also allows the mothers of miscarried or stillborn children to claim maternity leave.

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