Mar 18, 2008

During this season of Passover, will you join us as we cry for mercy for our nation?

In 2008, America finds herself in a place similar to that of 1860…a nation laden with the guilt of her innocent dead. In the 1860’s, the issue was slavery. Today, we bear the guilt of 50 million unborn babies. The heart of the Lord is every bit as moved today as it was then.

Abraham Lincoln, speaking at his second inaugural address, drew a direct connection between the heart of God and the Civil War…

Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue . . . until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”

America is facing a dire crisis. If 600,000 men died in the battlefields of the Civil War-both north and south, black and white-for the shed blood of the slaves, then what will it mean to America-black and white and north and south-if God brings a day of reckoning for the shed blood of 50 million babies?

In the twilight hours before God’s most severe judgment on Egypt, the blood of the lamb applied to the doorpost caused judgment to “pass over” that home. Jesus is our Passover Lamb, and it is His blood that must be applied without delay to the doorposts of our national guilt.

On Saturday, April 26th Bound4LIFE and theCall will be mobilizing Christians to gather at supreme courts in all 50 states along with the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC. Would you answer this urgent call to prayer and join with thousands across the nation on this day when we will be holding a simultaneous Silent Siege of every Supreme Court? Coinciding with Passover, the purpose of this day will be to stand in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system and plead the blood of Jesus.

I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it. (Ez 22:30)

~Please join us April 26 ~ A day of national gathering!

~9AM to 4PM~ you don't have to be there for the entire day...come join us for an hour!

~The Vermont Supreme Court~ Represents the highest seat of Justice in VT!

~111 State Street, Montpelier~ where you can step over the line of personal silence & that of the church and stand in the gap on behalf of the unborn! ( parking behind the State offices & The Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center ) we apply the blood of Jesus... to the doorposts of our national sin and cry out for mercy and the ending of abortion!

We will also be having a Prayer Rumble the night B4 on April 25, location & time to be announced! I would also be glad to share more with churches & small groups! Please contact me to register, with questions & for more info. ~Glenn

In the snowy cold, in the sun and in the rain… Let the Victors...when they come!
hen the forts of folly fall...find my body near the wall!

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